THREE NOW -- Last Sunday afternoon the lawn of the Alfran
Nursing Home was filled with children of Alfran employees who
had gathered to help little Gail, (third from left), celebrate
her third birthday. Gail was featured not long ago in a
story of the severely retarded children cared for at the nursing
home. Gail has been a "pet" of the nurses.
Their continued attentions have enabled Gail to talk. They
had been told she would probably never talk or walk, but the day
prior to her third birthday, she took her first steps
alone. The Frank Wilsons, owners of Alfran, gave the
party. Mrs. Wilson sits second from left, and Mr. Wilson,
fifth from left. Children appearing in the picture are
Deatra Denise Bowman, far left, Lori Teghtmeyer, in front of
Wilson, Marilyn Stuber, second from right, and Ronnie Aaron, far
--(Times Union Photo by Boyd) |